Vinod Narayanan

Journal Publications

  1. Nair, P.P., Suryan, A., Narayanan, V. and Kim, H.D., 2022. Prediction and visualization of supersonic nozzle flows using OpenFOAM. Journal of Visualization, 25(6), pp.1227-1247.
  2. Nair, P.P., Suryan, A. and Narayanan, V., 2022. Modal analysis of mixing characteristics in scramjet combustor with passive struts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy47(81), pp.34656-34675.
  3. Kant, R., Sharma, V., Bhoraniya, R. and Narayanan, V., 2022. Receptivity and sensitivity analysis of Jeffery-Hamel flow. Sādhanā47(3), pp.1-13.
  4. Kant, R. and Vinod, N., 2022. A modified FxLMS fluid flow control model for convectively unstable disturbances. Sādhanā, 47(2), pp.1-13.
  5. Dandelia, H., Kant, R. and Narayanan, V., 2022. Optimal control of growth of instabilities in Taylor–Couette flow. Physics of Fluids34(4), p.044106.
  6. Unnikrishnan, A., Shahane, S., Narayanan, V. and Vanka, S.P., 2022. Shear-driven flow in an elliptical enclosure generated by an inner rotating circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids34(1), p.013607.
  7. Nair, P.P., Narayanan, V. and Suryan, A., 2021. Combustion efficiency improvement for scramjet combustor with strut based flame stabilizer using passive techniques. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy46(80), pp.40054-40072.
  8. Bhoraniya, R., Hussain, Z. and Narayanan, V., 2021. Global stability analysis of axisymmetric boundary layer on a slender circular cone with the streamwise adverse pressure gradient. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids87, pp.113-127.
  9. Bhoraniya, R. and Narayanan, V., 2021. Global stability analysis of the axisymmetric boundary layer: Effect of axisymmetric forebody shapes on the helical global modes. Pramana95(3), pp.1-11.
  10. Bhoraniya, R. and Narayanan, V., 2019. Global stability analysis of spatially developing boundary layer: effect of streamwise pressure gradients. Fluid Dynamics54(6), pp.821-834.
  11. Kant, R. and Vinod, N., 2019. Control of optimal growth of instabilities in Jeffery-Hamel flow. AIP Advances9(3), p.035307.
  12. Thomas, T.M. and Vinod, N., 2019. Convective heat transfer between liquid argon flows and heated carbon nanotube arrays using molecular dynamics. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics12, pp.971-980.
  13. Bhoraniya, R. and Vinod, N., 2018. Global stability analysis of axisymmetric boundary layer over a circular cylinder. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics32(4), pp.425-449.
  14. Bhoraniya, R. and Vinod, N., 2017. Global stability analysis of axisymmetric boundary layer over a circular cone. Physical Review Fluids2(6), p.063901.
  15. R. Bhoraniya & N. Vinod, Global stability analysis over a circular cone, Journal of Physics, IOP, Volume 822, Number 1, 2017
  16. Vinod, N. and Govindarajan, R., 2012. Secondary instabilities in incompressible axisymmetric boundary layers: effect of transverse curvature. Journal of fluids engineering134(2).
  17. Vinod, N. and Govindarajan, R., 2007. The signature of laminar instabilities in the zone of transition to turbulence. Journal of Turbulence, 8, p.N2.
  18. Vinod, N. and Govindarajan, R., 2005. Instabilities and transition in boundary layers. Pramana64(3), pp.323-332.
  19. Vinod, N. and Govindarajan, R., 2004. Pattern of breakdown of laminar flow into turbulent spots. Physical review letters93(11), p.114501.

Book Chapters

  1. Syriac, J.S. and Vinod, N., 2022. Numerical Analysis and Reduction of Blade-Vortex Interaction (BVI) Noise in Helicopter Using Numerical Simulation. In Machines, Mechanism and Robotics (pp. 547-553). Springer, Singapore.
  2. Kant, R., Vinod, N. and Ghosh, U., 2022. Stability and Control of the Flow in a Porous Channel. In IUTAM Laminar-Turbulent Transition (pp. 419-437). Springer, Cham.
  3. Bhoraniya, R. and Narayanan, V., 2021. Global stability analysis of the spatially developing boundary layer: effect of wall suction and injection. In Proceedings of 16th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (pp. 509-517). Springer, Singapore.
  4. Gupta, S.K. and Vinod, N., 2020. Noise Reduction in Subsonic Jets Using Chevron Nozzles. Recent Asian Research on Thermal and Fluid Sciences, pp.615-625.
  5. Syriac, J.S. and Vinod, N., 2020. Numerical Simulation of Blade Vortex Interaction (BVI) In Helicopter Using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Method. In Recent Asian Research on Thermal and Fluid Sciences (pp. 601-613). Springer, Singapore.
  6. Unnikrishnan, A. and Vinod, N., 2020. Signature of linear instability in transition zone measurements in boundary layer. In Recent Asian Research on Thermal and Fluid Sciences (pp. 627-640). Springer, Singapore.


  1. Vinod Narayanan, Ravi Kant and Harvansh Dandelia, Control of optimal transient growth on high AR trapezoidal wing boundary layers, 74th APS Meeting, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Phoenix, USA, 2021.
  2. Prasanth P. Nar and Vinod Narayanan Mixing enhancement of strut based flame stabilizer for scramjet combustor using passive techniques 74th APS Meeting, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Phoenix, USA, 2021.
  3. Harvansh Dandelia, Ravi Kant and Vinod Narayanan, Control of optimal growth of instabilities in Taylor-Couette flow 74th APS Meeting, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Phoenix, USA, 2021.
  4. Akash Unnikrishnan and Vinod Narayanan, Global Stability Analysis of Eccentric Taylor Couette Flow 74th APS Meeting, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Phoenix, USA, 2021.
  5. Akash Unnikrishnan, and Narayanan Vinod, Signature of Linear Instability in Transition Zone Measurements in Boundary Layer, 7th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermo-physics and Fluid Sciences, 21-14 November 2018
  6. John Sherjy Syriac, Vinod Narayanan, Numerical simulation of blade vortex interaction (BVI) in helicopter using Large Eddy Simulations Method, 7th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermo-physics and Fluid Sciences, 21-14 November 2018.
  7. Suyash Gupta and Vinod Narayanan, Noise Reduction in Subsonic Jets Using Chevron Nozzles, Chapter 48, Recent Asian Research on Thermal and Fluid Sciences, (2018).
  8. Ramesh Bhoraniya and Narayanan Vinod, Global stability analysis of the spatially developing boundary layer: effect of wall suction and injection, Proceedings of 16th Asian Congress in Fluid Mechanics, Bangalore, Dec, 2019.
  9. Arun Cherkkil, Vinod Narayanan, Nithin George. Integrated simulation of active noise cancellation using a computational fluid dynamics approach. Proceedings of 23rd International congress on acoustics. 9-13 September, Aachen, Germany, 2019.
  10. Kamal Tewari, Vinod Narayanan and Anupam Dewan, Large Eddy Simulation of Passive Noise Reduction in Subsonic Jets, Proceedings of the 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 10- 12, 2018, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
  11. Milan Vacchani and N. Vinod, Passive Control of Flow Separation on the Plate with Strong Adverse Pressure Gradient using Vortex Generators, Proceedings of the 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power December 15-17, 2016, MNNITA, Allahabad, U.P., India.
  12. Swapnil and N. Vinod, Linear Stability Analysis of Incompressible Taylor Couette MHD Flow Proceedings of the 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power December 15-17, 2016, MNNITA, Allahabad, U.P., India
  13. Ravi Kant and N. Vinod Effect of boundary inputs in active flow control of plane poiseuille flow through systems approach, Proceedings of the 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power December 15-17, 2016, MNNITA, Allahabad, U.P., India
  14. Ramesh Bhoraniya and N. Vinod, Evaluation of the Outflow Boundary Conditions for BiGlobal Stability Analysis of Axisymmetric Boundary Layer Proceedings of the 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power December 15-17, 2016, MNNITA, Allahabad, U.P., India
  15. Ravi Kant and Vinod Narayanan, Effect of boundary inputs in active flow control of plane Poisuille flow through systems approach. Proceedings of the 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 10-12, 2018, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
  16. N. Vinod and Ramesh Bhoraniya, Global stability analysis of axisymmetric boundary layer on a circular cone with adverse pressure gradient. 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 2019.
  17. Uddipta Ghosh and Vinod Narayanan, Effect of cylinder geometry on the flow through annulus, 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 2019.
  18. Biglobal Stability Analysis of Axisymmetric Boundary Layer on Circular Cone Ramesh Bhoraniya and Narayanan Vinod, 15th Asian Congress in Fluid Mechanics, Sarawak, Malasia 2016.
  19. N. Vinod and Ramesh Bhoraniya, Biglobal stability analysis of spatially developing axisymmetric boundary layers, 68th APS Meeting, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Boston, USA, 2015
  20. Nirmal Jayaprasad and N. Vinod Effect of viscosity stratification on stability of axisymmetric boundary layer 68th APS Meeting, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Boston, USA, 2015.
  21. R. Bhoraniya and N. Vinod, ”Global stability analysis of axisymmetric boundary layers”, 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Volume 58, Number 18, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2013
  22. N. Vinod and R. Govindarajan, ”Stability of Axisymmetric Boundary Layers The effect of Transverse curvature”, 60th APS Meeting, Division of Fluid Mechanics, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2007.
  23. N. Vinod and R. Govindarajan, ”Aspects of the Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Axisymmetric Boundary Layers” Proc. 21st, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, POLAND, 2004.
  24. N. Vinod, Hamsa Balakrishnan and R. Govindarajan, ”Stability analysis of an axisymmetric boundary layer”, Proc. of 9th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan, IRAN, 2002.
  25. N. Vinod and R. Govindarajan, ”The transition zone in adverse pressure gradient boundary layers: Results from stochastic simulations” XV International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines Bangalore, INDIA, 2001
  26. N. Vinod and R. Govindarajan, ”Axisymmetric instabilities in the boundary layer over a cylinder” Proc. Third Natl. CFD Conf. Bangalore, INDIA, 200127. R. Govindarajan, N. Vinod and A. Sameen, ”The many routes to turbulence in shear flows” Proc. Seventh Natl. CFD Conf. Bangalore, INDIA, 2005
  27. N. Vinod and R. Govindarajan, ”Are subtransitions in boundary layers a signature of laminar instability?” Proc. International Symposium on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, Bangalore, INDIA, 2003.
  28. Govindarajan and N. Vinod ”The laminar-turbulent transition region: puzzles and progress” Proc. Perspectives in Non-Linear Dynamics, Chennai, INDIA 2004.